AmountOfWaterToDrink AmountOfWaterToDrink - This application will help you in finding out an amount of water to drink in a day as per your Weight(in Kg.i.e Kilograms).
NOTE:-It is not compulsory to drink an amount of water listed in the application.It is just a recommendation.I am not responsible for any damage of your health.Please consult your physician/family doctor before taking any steps
Alkolmetre From now on you will know your alcohol limit! After you select your drinks the alcohol meter will calculate your alcohol value
BmiCalc BmiCalc - Body mass index (BMI) is a measure of body fat based on height and weight that applies to adult men and women. Body mass index is defined as the individual's body weight divided by the square of his or her height
BMI mapps BMI mapps calculates your personal Body Mass Index. No junk, just 3 taps and finished!
Chatbox for You and Me Chatbox for You and Me - Get a Chatbox for You and Me and solve times where you need to write a private "paper" conversation between you and your friends. Chatbox for You and Me is a simple chat application that allows you to comment and clear away the entire chat easily.
And the best part - it is completely free
I AM FREE Want to tell people that you are free now and have nothing to do but just dunno how to start? With this application you can tell everyone that you are free and bored
MySoundBooth MySoundBooth presents some sound effects
... and many more to come