My Perfect Weight 2 FREE My Perfect Weight 2 FREE - Tracking your weight has never been easier!
Find out what your perfect weight is by simply entering your height, that's all!
Use our proven scientific method of calculating your perfect weight to set your diet goal.
Follow the evolution of your weight over time on the chart and see when you should watch your weight more often
Hey weigh! Track your weight with this simple weight tracker. The application will remember the last 30 weight entries to let you analyse your weight changes for the past month
Fastest BMI Calculator Fastest BMI Calculator - Application to calculate your BMI (Body-Mass-Index)
The body mass index (BMI), or Quetelet index, is a heuristic measure of body weight based on a person's weight and height. Though it does not actually measure the percentage of body fat, it is used to estimate a healthy body weight based on a person's height, assuming an average body composition
Fast Food Calories Fast Food Calories - Have you always wondered how many calories are in one of those meals at your favorite local fast food restaurant? With this app, you can easily search the menu of many popular fast food restaurants and find out how many calories each meal contain.
All the popular restaurants such as McDonalds, KFC, subway, wendy's ect... are in this handy app
All About Calories All About Calories - {All About Calories} lets you know how much calories your body has burned by performing certain activity.
We believe it is important for everyone to know how much calories he/she has burned during an exercise or even just by performing normal daily activities, to better evaluate his/ her weight loss
Fatso Fatso is the absolute easiest way to track your weight. Designed from the ground up to be simple and unobtrusive, Fatso helps you get to your ideal weight!