Panchang 2011 - Want to know your horoscope for the year 2011 -2012?
Panchang 2011 application Hindu astrological almanac, horoscope for the year 2011 on your Windows Phone 7
BLC (Beautiful Lunar Calendar) is a small tool that shows the Chinese Lunar Calendar on your Windows Phone 7. You can easily navigate any Month or Year within this calendar. BLC also highlight to you the date for a full moon. Having difficulty to see the small print? Touch the calendar date and it will magnify for your easy viewing
TarotPocket PCVersion: Upload date: 26 Mar 11 Tags: Entertainment
A Tarot Card Reading can help guide you through your troubled emotions and clouded thoughts, by offering a reflection of your past, present and possible future and showing you a fresh perspective on your life
Zodiac Match FE - Do you want to know what the stars say about your love? This application calculates a score based on the zodiac signs of you and your loved one. Just enter your birthdays and you'll receive a short analysis of how good you will fit together.
This is the free edition of 'Zodiac Match'. The full version has no ads and additionally supports landscape mode