Bookly - Version 1.1 adds shelves support, viewing your profile and hopefully some bug fixes. Please email if you have any problems.
Bookly is the best way to find out about books and communicate with friends via
If you don't have a good reads account you should sign-up for one right away! Even if you don't you will be able to search for books, read reviews and comments from and read about your favorite authors.
If you do have a account you will be able to post reviews, add books to your bookshelves, comment on reviews and status updates from users and more.
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Supported operating systems:
Windows 10 Mobile, Windows Phone 7, Windows Phone 8
...i'm a WP7! Join the Windows Phone 7 (WP7) Community and see the Users and Developers in your neighborhood, region, state, country, or anywhere in the entire world!
Flickr Manager Flickr Manager allows you to access your account from your Windows Phone 7. Using Flickr Manager you can:
* View/Manage your Photostream.
* View your Favorites, Sets & Tags.
* View your Friends. View the Stream, Favorites & Sets of your friends.
* View your Groups.
* Add/Remove photos from Groups.
* View Recent Activity.
* Comment on photos
Taylor Swift Tweets Get the latest twitter update of Taylor Swift now!
All for free!
Foursquare Foursquare, on Windows Phone 7, helps you find new ways to explore your city. See where your friends are, learn about the places they frequent, and unlock rewards as you travel. By "checking in" users share their location with friends while collecting points and virtual badges
DIY Blogs The latest blog plots from Team DIY, Reddit, and DIY Show Off
Dating Directory Dating Directory - Timing is everything, and meeting that perfect person while on the go with your mobile is the way to quickly meet new people. The Dating Directory allows you to review the top online dating sites by category, country and genre, launch and visit their site, and quickly see what's right for you.
- Find the dating site that's right for you