Trekbuddy is a J2ME application to be used with a GPS receiver. It is designed to work with every Java-enabled device.
It features capabilities such as:
* GPS tracking and simple navigation
* bitmap maps (without zoom, you can store bitmap maps with different resolution instead)
* arrange maps as atlas for increasing and decreasing resolution
* trackloging in NMEA or GPX format
* simple navigation (to a single waypoint or along a route)
* compas screen (HPS)
* cockpit screen (CMS)
* location sharing via SMS with other trekbuddies
and more.
It supports most commonly used map projections and grids, such as:
* Latitude/Longitude
* Mercator
* Transverse Mercator
* Universal Transverse Mercator
* Swedish Grid
* British National Grid
* Irish Grid
* Swiss Grid
* Lambert France I-IV
* Lambert Conformal Conic
as well as custom datums.
As a location source:
* bluetooth or serial port GPS
* internal (integrated) GPS
* NMEA file
* HGE-100 device
* O2 Germany network
may be used.
What's New in This Release:
· fixed scaling/magnification for maps with large tiles (1024+ px)
· fixed altitude correction option
· fixed asc-t/desc-t
· fixed GPX anonymous points (routes & tracks) numbering: starts from 1 not counting named POIs, and is prefixed with 'R' or 'T'
What's New in 1.1.1:
· fixed bitmap zoom
· fixed recycled bitmap error and NPE crash on Android
· fixed Blackberry ui bugs introduced in v1.1.0
What's New in 1.0.23:
· fixed tared maps loading
· fixed lazy GPX loading
· fixed exception during filesystem browsing (Android)
· fixed application restart on Android
· version for Playbook available (bar)
What's New in 1.0.19:
· fixed CMS vars based on short-term avg spd
· fixed first wpt not accessible after reload
· improved GPX filter (less points, better track following, less crazy jumps)
· stability and compatibility fixes in Android version
· fixed number of sats on BB
· tar-ed map loading fixes (+ few performance optimizations in Symbian service, now v0.8 )
· no-map feature
What's New in 1.0.18:
· fixed NPE for internal GPS provider and missing images in Blackerry builds
What's New in 1.0.12:
· layers without suitable map are skipped during easyzoom
· usage of volume keys for easyzoom controlled with Settings->Desktop->easyzoom with volume keys
· backlight level on Nokia phones is persisted
· changed waypoint form links for BB (for compatibility with OS6)
· right soft key can be used to switch screens (when Desktop->no soft key menu is used)
· keylock icon is shown in the bottom-left corner when keylock is active (no more dialog)
· icons marking centers of touchscreen areas used for layer/map change are shown by default on touchscreen devices; this can be turned off with Settings->Desktop->show touchspots
· version for Android 1.6 with included bluetooth backport is now available
· fixed waypoint deletion issue
· fixed "0" trigger issues
· fixed StackOverflowError on Android
What's New in 1.0.10:
· because easyzoom feature is annoying for some situations, it can now be controlled with Settings->Desktop->Easyzoom; for this release, it can be off (default) or layers (behaviour from 1.0.9); easyzoom for maps will appear soon
· disabled usage of volume keys for easyzoom, because midlet does not have exclusive access
What's New in 1.0.8:
· fixed wpt-eta estimation
· backlight control fallback implemented in Symbian version - it probably cannot prevent screensaver, but it can prevent screen light timeout, so on some configuration, TB can work ok without TBService; I use such deployment on Vivaz (S60 5th) now...
· Nokia-specific JAD attributes are only in Symbian version, because they are relevant to S60 anyway
What's New in 1.0.7:
· midlet is signed with renewed certificate (valid until Jan 2012)
· fixed crashing when changing settings on Symbian^3 devices
· fixed files problem on some Samsungs (eg. B7722)
· new option Settings->Misc->external cfg backup to control saving configuration to memory card; cfg was saved to memorycard on all devices since 0999, now it is on by default on Blackberries only (they seem to be the only that really need it, in order to preserve cfg during midlet upgrade)
What's New in 1.0.4:
· new option Settings->Misc->numeric input hack, useful for some Samsung models to allow changing numeric values like GPX(dt) etc
· fixed FIRE/KEY5 handling
· < fix > element is omitted in GPX when fix quality is unknown; internal value in CMS is 1 in such case
What's New in 1.0.2 / 1.0.3:
[Android] fixed: altitude correction is now actually used (and can be decimal)
[Android] fixed bluetooth detection (hopefully better compatibility with 1.6)
What's New in 1.0.1
· minor bugfixes of: UIQ user interface, more NMEA stream errors recorded, filter for invalid positions in GPX, midlet crash with 1-tile scrolling
· added geoidheight to GPX
What's New in 1.0:
· fix: negative altitude correction possible on some Nokia phones
· fix: show number of satellites on Android when built-in GPS is used
· fix: waypoints list scrolling is now similar to native UI list (except for inertiality), scrollbar width changed too
· change: long- and shortpress of KEY3 switched for backlight control on Nokia phones - use longpress to set desired backlight level, shortpress for quick on/off
· change: 'untouch' (eg. FIRE/KEY5 for sync or KEY3 for screen switch) now triggers action to make map dragging/scrolling more friendly on touchscreens
· changed built-in map to reduce jar size and also to satisfy larger screens
· also serial comm code cleaned up because problems with eg. HGE-100 were reported for 0.9.99
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Requirements:· MIDP 2.0, CLDC 1.1
· have internal GPS and support Location API (JSR-179), or
· have bluetooth and support Bluetooth API (JSR-82), or
· have serial/USB/IrDa port and support CommConnection
· In order to use custom maps, it is very important that the phone supports FileConnection API (JSR-75/FileConnection).
Supported operating systems:
Google Android 10.x, Google Android 2.0, Google Android 2.1, Google Android 2.2, Google Android 2.3, Google Android 3.0, Google Android 3.1, Google Android 3.2, Google Android 4.0, Google Android 4.1, Google Android 4.2, Google Android 4.3, Google Android 4.4, Google Android 5.x, Google Android 6.x, Google Android 7.x, Google Android 8.x, Google Android 9.x, Java ME, Java Nokia 240x320, Java SE 240x320, Palm OS 3.x, Palm OS 4.x, Palm OS 5.x, RIM BlackBerry OS 4.2, RIM BlackBerry OS 4.3, RIM BlackBerry OS 4.5, RIM BlackBerry OS 4.6, RIM BlackBerry OS 4.7, RIM BlackBerry OS 5.0, RIM BlackBerry OS 6.0, Windows Mobile 5.0, Windows Mobile 5.0 Smartphone, Windows Mobile 6 Classic, Windows Mobile 6 Professional, Windows Mobile 6 Standard, Windows Mobile 6.1 Classic, Windows Mobile 6.1 Professional, Windows Mobile 6.1 Standard, Windows Mobile 6.5 Professional, Windows Mobile 6.5 Standard
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Other Software by developer «TrekBuddy»:
TrekBuddy Trekbuddy is a J2ME application to be used with a GPS receiver. It is designed to work with every Java-enabled device
GpsPort (Pocket PC) GpsPort (Pocket PC) is a TrekBuddy companion application for WM devices. It redirects COM port to TCP socket. This way TrekBuddy can access internal GPS where Java does not support serial port access (eg. Esmertec Jbed). TrekBuddy uses localhost ( connection to read the NMEA data