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Achivx Partner

Version: 1.0

Platforms: BlackBerry

Categories: Organisation & Productivity

Upload date: 27 Jan 11

Developer: Toysoft Development Inc.

License: Shareware

Price: 1.99 $

Downloads: 464

File Size: 1 Kb
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Rating: 1.5/5 (Total votes: 2)

  AppClock - Cool realtime Analog clock on the HomeScreen with different clock skins and selectable timezone. Optionally have 2 Analog clocks on the HomeScreen.

Ten selectable clock skins, selectable icon name display eg: HH:MM, Month/Year, City Name, selectable TimeZone.

Works with all custom Themes.

Note: On some version of the BlackBerry OS icons on the main HomeScreen do not update. You will need to upgrade to the newest OS if available.

Note: If you have a BlackBerry 8900 or Bold 9000 then you need to upgrade to OS 5.0 Contact your wireless carrier to see if upgrade is available.

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Supported operating systems: RIM BlackBerry OS 4.7, RIM BlackBerry OS 5.0, RIM BlackBerry OS 6.0
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