InfoTime- watch with multiple alarms, choice of style faces, adjustable hand sizes, alternative sounds.
New - support for Touch Screen handsets
All styles include adjustable hand sizes for ease of use
It is not always easy to see the time on mobile phones. Often, the time is shown in a small font in digital format (eg. 08:30) which can be difficult to read correctly. Our applications show the time in analogue format (with hour, minute and second hands) which is much easier to read, even first thing in the morning with blury eyes!
Allows multiple alarms, which automatically appear on the watch face if due within the next twelve hours.
Hand Size: In order for greater accessibility the Hour and Minute hands are adjustable. Do you normally find it difficult to see the time on your phone? Set the hand size larger.
Lunar Phase: This shows the phase of the moon, depending on the current date and whether your phone is set for Northern or Southern Hemisphere. This feature can be switched off.
Multiple Alarms: Several alarms can be set and remembered even when your phone is powered off and on again. Each alarm can have a small message or label associated which can be displayed on the watch face. For example, Meeting or Drinks. Each alarm can be set to off, once only, or set to recur on different days and has its own choice of sound, volume and vibrate settings.
Recurrent Alarms: Each of the alarms can be set to repeat on different days of the week. When an alarm is due within the next 12 hours, an alarm hand appears automatically on the watch face. Repeat alarms do not need to be reset each evening, but will automatically occur until set to off.
Vibrate/Sound/Volume: The mobile phone alarm sound (and vibrate if supported), occur at the alarm time. It is possible to snooze for 10 minutes after which the alarm will sound again. This pattern repeats until the user presses the stop button. Many different sounds are possible, including where supported by the phone, some with an increasing volume. Each alarm can be set to use a different sound.
Classic Style: A classic looking watch face, with contrasting black on white.
Luminesc Style: A strongly contrasting luminous effect.