MortScript interprets a (quite) simple batch language. If you know .bat files in DOS or shell scripts in *nix: it’s something like that. Its focus is to remote control or launch other applications, not to write real applications. It’s more an hacker tool without a nifty interface, you have to write your scripts with any text editor.
Sample MortScript commands (Copy-paste to Notepad, save in TXT extension then rename extension to .mscr) 1. Sample 1 means run file named ‘1.exe’ that is located at Storage Card directory Run "Storage Card1.exe"
2. Sample 2 will create shortcut to ‘1.exe’ in StoragewindowsStart Menu and name the shortcut ‘Sample’ CreateShortcut StoragewindowsStart MenuSample.lnk, Storage1.EXE
3. Sample 3 will turn off your SmartPhone PowerOff ,
4. Sample 4 will disable Smartphone’s USB AutoConnect feature RegWriteDWord HKCU,ControlPanelComm,AutoCnct,0,
5. Sample 5 will make your Smartphone vibrate for 1000 millisecond Vibrate 1000 ,
6. Sample 6 will launch Quick List, sleep for 2 sec then move the cursor (highlight) down Run "Windowsquickapp.exe" Sleep 2000 SendDown ;;
7. Sample 7 will create folder named ‘Folder1′ inside StorageMy Documents. subfolder ‘Folder2′ is created inside Folder1. MkDir "StorageMy DocumentsFolder1" ; MkDir "StorageMy DocumentsFolder1Folder2" ;;
There are other commands you can use. Learn more about MortScript commands by visiting this page: Click me
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Supported operating systems:
Windows Mobile 2003 Smartphone
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Comments on MortScript:
tres bon logiciel
Date: 27 Aug 15
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