TTR Reborn- Freshmilk has again dished out something really nice for TTR, courtesy of Maxime. It's called fondly TTR 'Reborn', or TTR version 0.5.
He says it's Kxploited, and there's actually no need for a lua player for you to get it rolling! For most TTR fans, it's such a great relief to come up with something like this, since it can be played straight from the MS.
The developer is kind enough to provide a game overview, and of course, his own explanation of what new stuff we can expect from TTR 'Reborn'.
Beat the boring old layout, as there are now new cars, interchangeable backgrounds and cool music. Freshmilk adds that within five minutes, you can actually customize the look and feel of the game as you want it.
With these new features, the real thrill of TTR has even crossed the boundaries that it's basically the perfect game you can play anytime, or anywhere on your PSP.
What's even nicer is that Freshmilk also included a "how-to" in the zip file, "which covers everything you need to know on making terrains, custom cars, and just about everything else you need, including how to change terrains, themes and custom cars."
Look forward to finding custom cars (with 2 new pages of cars in the garage, 20 new cars, totalling to 30 cars), saved file space, a complete graphical overhaul, a one-time info message when you play for the first time, a new look for the eboot, and better terrain selection screen. Now, did we mention this version doesn't need a lua player? According to Freshmilk, it's still written in lua, but it's been KXploited.
Freshmilk extends his big thanks to Maxime, of whom without this version won't be possible.