AmountOfWaterToDrink - This application will help you in finding out an amount of water to drink in a day as per your Weight(in Kg.i.e Kilograms).
NOTE:-It is not compulsory to drink an amount of water listed in the application.It is just a recommendation.I am not responsible for any damage of your health.Please consult your physician/family doctor before taking any steps
A simple application to understand your Body Mass Index. Enter Weight in kilograms and Height in meters and watch out for results. Your BMI is now a touch away
BMI_Checkerinator - Check your Body Mass Index to see if your height fits your weight.
You can use either the metric units (kilograms and meters) or the English units (pounds and inches) to see your BMI
AlkoCalc - Przetestuj aplikacje i sprawdz jak szybko sie upijasz, jak szybko upijaja sie inni oraz kiedy znow bedziecie trzezwi. Aktualnie jest to najbardziej rozbudowana aplikacja tego typu.
AlkoCalc na podstawie informacji o ilosci spozytego przez Ciebie alkoholu wyznacza ilosc promili.
UWAGA: Kazdy organimz ma inna tolerancje na alkohol
HeartSmart - HeartSmart Global is a unique global risk indicator app to calculate your risk of developing diabetes, heart disease and stroke using simple measures, your gender and ethnicity.
This is a cool, life transforming application, offering a health risk calculator, educational data and information, and lifestyle tools