Docs2HR for HanDBaseSymbian OS, Pocket PC, Palm, Series 60, BlackBerry, SmartphoneVersion: 1.0 Upload date: 2 Nov 11 Tags: Databases
Docs2HR for HanDBase - A simple database to track forms submitted for various reasons within an organization. Managers and Supervisors have typically seen how easily important documents get mis-placed, mis-filed, lost or tossed. This database simply records the form type, date of submission, relevent associated parties, and brief description for why the form was submitted
Easy Mileage Tracker for HanDBase - Another one of my attempts to make things SIMPLE. I made this database to satisfy employers and the IRS. Date, destination, odometer start, odometer end. Mileage calculates automatically. "For" field lets you keep track of whom you're driving for that day
Evaluations for HanDBaseSymbian OS, Pocket PC, Palm, Series 60, BlackBerry, SmartphoneVersion: 1.0 Upload date: 2 Nov 11 Tags: Databases
Evaluations for HanDBase - Evaluations was written using HanDBase version 3 and its companion form program. Its purpose is to facilitate "on the go" documentation of employee performance. A large portion of the supervisor's responsibility should be the documentation of worker performance, especially the good along with the bad, the ugly and the so-so
Expenses for HanDBaseSymbian OS, Pocket PC, Palm, Series 60, BlackBerry, SmartphoneVersion: 1.0 Upload date: 2 Nov 11 Tags: Databases
Expenses for HanDBase - Tracks meals, incidentals, hotel, car, and other expenses. Daily totals are displayed for meals, and accumulated totals are shown for total expemses, hotel, car, and other expemses. Meals can be entered from a pop-up for fixed meal allowances or an actual dollar amount edited. Allpop-ups, fields, and formulas can be edited
This applet deals with flooring materials takeoffs, wood flooring, tile, carpet and sheathing
Invoice3 for HanDBaseSymbian OS, Pocket PC, Palm, Series 60, BlackBerry, SmartphoneVersion: 1.0 Upload date: 2 Nov 11 Tags: Databases
Update on simple invoice program to figure what a customers balance will be on a portrait package
MechanicsHV3 for HanDBaseSymbian OS, Pocket PC, Palm, Series 60, BlackBerry, SmartphoneVersion: 1.0 Upload date: 2 Nov 11 Tags: Databases
MechanicsHV3 for HanDBase - Mechanics was written using HanDBase version 3. It is an applet designed for the automobile mechanic that provides an environment that meets the majority of the day's activities. The "linked", "relationship," and "database popup" (DB popup), and popup field types are used throughout the application
Passwords for HanDBaseSymbian OS, Pocket PC, Palm, Series 60, BlackBerry, SmartphoneVersion: 1.0 Upload date: 2 Nov 11 Tags: Databases
Keep Track of all those Emails & Webpage Addresses and their Passwords, and More!
Pizza Driver for HanDBaseSymbian OS, Pocket PC, Palm, Series 60, BlackBerry, SmartphoneVersion: 1.0 Upload date: 2 Nov 11 Tags: Databases
Pizza Driver for HanDBase - PizzaDriver was written using HanDBase V3 and its companion form program. This is a followup to previous releases. It consists of 53 databases that are either related or linked together to provide an environment capable of tracking much of the informtion a food delivery person comes across in a typical day