Smart Algebra 2.8 builds graphs of any complexity in the polar and Cartesian coordinate systems, quickly draws the image on the screen, allows the analysis function (search for extrema in the interval, minimums and maximums), to determine the value of a function at a point to keep the schedule in bmp-format
Copan for the Pocket PC - is a very functional and easy-to-use geomatics engineering tool for computing and managing plane surveying and mapping coordinates
MyCalculator-free scientific calculator for your Pocket PC that supports an innovative memory system to store and recall answers! Note:
This software is now completely free and includes all scientific features
Pocket Tank Volume-This useful tool will tell you how much volume is in your tanks. This tool works for Spherical, Rectangular, Vertical Flat, Vertical Cylindrical, Horizontal Flat, and Horizontal Cylindrical tanks. Also, you can see a "strap chart" to see what the depth is at every location. This is version 1.0 and is currently only English units
PocketCAS is a free interface to the open-source Computer Algebra System giac/xcas. xcas enables you to quickly solve complex algebraic problems, e.g. symbolic and numeric integration and derivation of non-trivial functions, solving differential equations etc
Convhex - A very easy, intuitive, and graphical base converter. Features Copy & Paste functionality, as well as an "Exit" button to conveniently close the application. Performs the conversions in real-time as you enter the values, and uses large buttons, so you're not limited to th..
Measure Unit Converter And Calculator
Its a two in one application, Measure Unit Converter for Pocket PC and Calculator for Pocket PC.
Measure Unit Converter Features:
- More than 300 measure units divided in 15 categories.
- Intuitive and friendly graphical user interface.
- Change accuracy.
- Currency rate refresh from web service
YaRPNcalc - an RPN calculator for Pocket PC with big finger friendly buttons. It contains the usual decimal and logical functions as well as constants and conversions. Features:
- BIG buttons.
- Simple to use.
- RPN input method. Two line visible stack.
- Basic arithmetic operations