Perfect English-Hungarian and Hungarian-English dictionary
* fully offline = you don't pay for internet connection
* shows translations as you type
* touch screen, qwerty and keyboard supported
* compatible with all screen sizes 100x100, 128x128
Perfect English-Hungarian and Hungarian-English dictionary by Dictionary9 * fully offline * easy to use * shows translations as you type * touch screen & qwerty & classic keyboard supported * thousands of entries * small file size (compressed) * instant boot up * 5 font sizes available
AW English-Hungarian Dictionary (Palm OS) - English-Hungarian (Angol-Magyar) Dictionary. 63185 entries with phonetic transcriptions of English words. Recommended for devices with expansion cards support. Palm OS version of the dictionary DOES NOT require Hungarian localization system to be installed. English Hungarian Dictionary database based on Ergane 5.0 wordlists
AW Hungarian-English Dictionary (Palm OS) - Hungarian-English (Magyar-Angol) Dictionary. 98675 entries. This dictionary is the perfect word set to be installed on an expansion card
LingvoSoft Talking Dictionary 2006 Free English - Hungarian for Pocket PC - LingvoSoft Talking Dictionary 2006 Free English - Hungarian for Pocket PC provides bidirectional word translation and English speech synthesis - with a compact and concise database of words and phrases
LingvoSoft English-Hungarian Talking Dictionary for Palm OS - provides bidirectional word translation and advanced speech synthesis.
Make your Palm speak English with LingvoSoft English Hungarian Talking Bidirectional Dictionary! Just select any English word and with one click make the speech synthesizer pronounce it for you
LingvoSoft Talking Dictionary 2006 German - Hungarian for Palm OS - The Talking Dictionary 2006 German - Hungarian for Palm OS is a unique language application that provides bi-directional word translation and advanced synthesis of English and Spanish speech