Highest Paid Actresses in World - Salaries for the world's highest paid film actors currently range from $20–30 million, but an actor can earn substantially more by deferring all or part of their salary against a percentage of the film's gross, known within the industry as a "profit participation" deal
Doctor Who Soundboard - More than 80 sounds from TV series: catchphrases, official credits, the most beautiful musical themes and remixed credits (funk, metal, electro, ....)
Movie Oddities That Make No Sense - We can almost guarantee that no matter how awesome a movie may be, there will be something about it that may not quite add up. It could be an unexplained death, an irrelevant side event, or even a complete an obvious goof up. To show you what we mean, here are Movie Oddities That Make No Sense At All…none whatsoever
Guess the Movie 2 - Todays game is the second part of the quiz Guess the Movie. In todays game we will show several levels with famous movies. At the end of each level you will be asked a question about the name of the movie. If you answer right, you can continue to the next level
Movie Quiz game free - Are you a movie buff? Movie quiz game will test your film knowledge.Guess the movie using the given clues like titles,screen caps.Most of the questions in this movie quiz are easy and you will face few difficult questions.For every correct answer you will gain coins.For difficult questions you can use those coins for clues
Movie Plot Holes And Paradoxes - Here are of the finest examples where things dont quite make total sense. Some you definitely know, some you might not, and some aren’t the giant plot holes they’re made out to be. We approach all of this from a position of love: we might be being nit-picky, but we do enjoy most of the movies here
Movies NOWs - Movies NOWs! is a easy to use news app that aggregates up to the minute movies news articles from the web’s best sources. The user modifiable sub-category band provides easy access to custom article lists. Various sharing options make posts to social media a snap. If you are passionate about movies then this app is for you