Audiolibro - El Libro de la selva - La historia comienza cuando, huyendo del ataque de Shere Khan (el tigre), dos esposos pierden a su hijo pequeno. Este aparece en la cueva de unos lobos (Ramma y Raksha) quienes no solo lo salvan de las garras de Shere Khan, sino que a su vez lo acogen como a su propio hijo
Kai's Podcast Radio (Streaming) - The Podcast Radio requests Radio shows per Streaming and RSS from the internet. The data resp. contents are permantent editet and updated by the particular provider
Camera Awesome for Android - Camera Awesome is a photography app that can help you take better pictures with the camera of your Android device. The application displays visual guides for horizon, rule of thirds, golden ration, etc. to assist you when composing the shot
Echo - Echo is a useful application that can route sound captured by the microphone of your Android smartphone or tablet to a wired or Bluetooth headset.
To use the app, connect your headphone to your mobile device and tap the Start menu item. When the microphone icon becomes red, you will hear audio from your mic into the headset
This American Life for Android - This American Life allows you to listen to all the episodes of the popular public radio show with the same name on your Android smartphone or tablet.
The software includes all the episodes since the show's launch in 1995, with new episodes being automatically added to the app
Pink Draw (Android) - If you love pink and like to draw, Pink Draw is the app for you! It allows you to draw, sketch, doodle, or paint anything and everything in pink. Drawings can be shared on for everyone to see
Bna All In One - NOW TIME TO BE SMART WITH YOUR SMART Android INDITV for Mobiles, Tablets and Android running devices. INDITV provides the links to the web streaming of the popular Indian TV channels. Includes Cricket, News, Entertainement and Sports channels for Mobile Phones, Tablets and Android based devices