This is fully customisable call recording application with rules for saving conversations for incoming/outgoing calls from known/unknown numbers. Easy to use and extremely discrete
Best LED MachineiPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, Apple iPhone OSVersion: 1.3 updated Upload date: 25 Aug 12 Tags: Entertainment
Commercial 0.99 $
Best LED Machine - LED Machine allows creating nice looking animated or static messages, banners, presentations and visual chats. It uses different animation effects, customizable speed, selectable fonts and sizes, configurable LED size, shape and color, flow control and full support for all device orientations
Best Prompter - Professional teleprompter for iPhone/iPad allows you to create and smoothly scroll scripts during a speech. It becomes your best friend while practicing and delivering public speeches
Best Prompter Pro - Professional teleprompter for iPhone/iPad allows you to create and smoothly scroll scripts during a speech. It becomes your best friend while practicing and delivering public speeches
Best Timer - Great way to measure and visualize time. Beautifully designed sand timer, stylish kitchen timer, countdown/up and powerful stopwatch to enjoy counting time, feel time or visualize time to kids.
It is a real timer application! Timer alarms are fired even if the application is closed or in background
Best eBible for UIQ - To work with the text you can use the following commands:
Line up
Line down
Page up
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Go top
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Go to text position by percent
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You can quickly choose a book by opening a window with the content
Best TaskMan Series 60 - TaskMan helps you to control applications better, make calls faster and send your messages more easily. This application includes features of an advanced task manager, which will substitute for the standart one
Best vCard - Connect your series 60 device to the worldwide standard of contact data exchange! Smartphoneware's Best vCard application provides easy and foolproof import/export of your contacts to vCard files (platform-independent format for exchanging contacts information)
Have you forgot a torch? Or you haven''t thought about it at all and suddenly found yourself in some dark place? BestTorch will easily cope with this problem!