SlovoEd Classic English-Portuguese & Portuguese-English dictionary for mobiles is a bilingual dictionary for mobile phones containing up-to-date lexical databases from the world''s leading linguistic companies
QuickPhrase Complete Pack (Series 60 3rd Edition) - Convenience and Easy-access Layout
QuickPhrase aims at providing quick and timely language assistance for travelers. With an easy-to-use graphic interface separate icons link to topics covering a common travel situation
Survival Phrases English-German for Nokia Communicator - Survival Phrases provide hundreds of useful phrases, bi-directional translations, and more! Perfect for both business travelers and tourists, Survival Phrases gives you the confidence and help you need when travelling abroad
SlovoEd Compact English-Russian & Russian-English dictionary for S60- is a series of top-quality monolingual and bilingual dictionaries for S60 devices. There are over 120 dictionaries available for 29 languages. It is an excellent solution for professional linguists, translators and typical users
Mobile Dictionary - Ever found yourself in a situation where you just did not know the word to order yourself a nice drink in a foreign country? Ever guessed together with your friends how some word is translated into a foreign language?
That is when Mobile Dictionary comes into play. Easy and quick translations from any language into any other language
SlovoEd Compact Croatian-Slovenian & Slovenian-Croatian dictionary for mobiles- is a bilingual dictionary for mobile phones containing up-to-date lexical databases from the world's leading linguistic companies
Dictionary- Freeware English Dictionary written in C++ and compatible with all Series 60 3rd Edition phones.
Websters English Dictionary.
* Built-in indexes find words in a fraction of a second.
* Includes parts of speech (noun, verb etc).
* Uses 6Mb disk space for the program and data
Nokia Mobile Dictionary Hungarian-is a dictionary application for translating words from one language to another. In addition to pre-installed language(s) you may download additional dictionary languages.
The dictionary application allows you to have English and two user-defined languages on your device at the same time
Translate app is a program for Nokia Smartphones. It is a simple but powerful translator that supports multi-language translations. With the help of the Translate app you can make a translation of individual words, phrases and even sentences in 45 different languages. The program uses for translation Google Translate system