Dexter Lab - The series follows Dexter, a boy-genius with a secret laboratory filled with his collection of inventions. He constantly battles his sister Dee Dee, who always gains access despite his best efforts to keep her out, as well as his arch-rival and neighbor, Mandark
Vignette e Fumetti in Italiano - Vignette e Fumetti di autori italiani aggiornati in tempo reale.
Vignette Comics naviga sul web e ricerca gli ultimi fumetti italiani pubblicati sul web e sui blog dei migliori autori di fumetti e vignette
Tool 2 - Dominators - comic book - resume:
Joseph Hamming has an accident in the university laboratories. He undergoes a mutation that allows him to combine his body with technological tools and improve his physical abilities. Unknown funders finance this experiment. After the accident they will be hunting Joseph: their human guinea pig
Universal Book Reader - Universal Book Reader allows you to read your favorite EPUB or PDF ebooks anytime, anywhere right on your Android smartphone or tablet. The app comes with an integrated file browser that enables you to find ebooks stored in the internal memory of your device or on the SD card
Kai Reader - KaiReader is an E-Book reader that supports EPUB and PDF files. It is designed to have simple interface. It has useful functions like PDF Reflow mode, searching, bookmarking, changing fonts and text size, also support download EPUB and PDF files from public E-Book sites or just easily import of EPUB and PDF files by automatically scanning for .epub and
CoolReader 3.X is free open-source (GPL) multiplatform version under active development.
Supported platforms
Windows (Qt based GUI)
Linux (Qt based GUI)
Embedded versions: for e-Ink based devices
SimpleReaderAndroidVersion: 20120131beta updated Upload date: 10 Feb 12 Tags: Reading
SimpleReader - A simple book reader for Android. This reader is developed for Chinese book reading. It can display book in traditional style, right to left and top to bottom. It can open txt, html, epub, pdb (Haodoo), srb (book built for SimpleReader with notes inside)
Bibledaily - Welcome to Bible Daily! With this application you can see view Bible verses. All-the-time, anytime. So when you need a quick break, just open up and enjoy the wisdom of and timeless advice of ages
Naruto - Is a ninja world. Small body of nine fox seal of evil, the first Naruto suffered a village in the cold, but struggled with all sorts of mischief trying to attract everyone''s attention [1]. Fortunately, there are still concerned about his teachers by Lucas, Naruto character and it did not become distorted, he was always energetic, super-optimistic