All About Calories - {All About Calories} lets you know how much calories your body has burned by performing certain activity.
We believe it is important for everyone to know how much calories he/she has burned during an exercise or even just by performing normal daily activities, to better evaluate his/ her weight loss. Allot of apps tells you how much you body gain calories from eating, but this app takes the extra step to let you know how much calories your body has lost from exercising. Please enjoy.
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Supported operating systems:
Windows 10 Mobile, Windows Phone 7, Windows Phone 8
Dieta por Puntos Dieta por Puntos - Este sistema te permite llevar el control de una dieta por puntos. Puedes seleccionar de una lista de platillos, y de manera automatica resta los puntos que equivalen al platillo seleccionado. Ademas, la aplicacion almacena los puntos restantes para el dia
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All calculations are based on the dimensions of average homo sapiens
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-Added slider control for quicker input
-Add new SIP
-Fixed bugs
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Hey weigh! Track your weight with this simple weight tracker. The application will remember the last 30 weight entries to let you analyse your weight changes for the past month
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