DS DaftMobile Gaming, NDSVersion: 1.0 Upload date: 26 Mar 12 Tags: Entertainment
DS Daft - NDS homebrew developer Corenting has updated DS Daft to version 1.0. This is an adaptation of iDaft and AndroDaft for the NDS.
Source: http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=14208&hilit=DS+Daft
Official Site: http://corenting
DrummerS Lien of Pyramid Games has released an update to his virtual drum machine for the Nintendo DS. Changes in this release include:
- PAlib Logo in splahs
- Menu with some options (WIP, not working)
- Better Drums images..
DrummerS Lien just released the latest version of DrummerS, bringing it up to v2.0b now. Although this is technically his third release, he decided to keep it at V2 because he mostly mixed bugs from his previous release. This time around, the playing cursor no longer turns to black and it also doesn't have those ugly pink pixels surrounding it
DJ Portable DS News have just reached our ears that t4ils has released his DJ Max Portable-inspired homebrew game for the DS, DJ Portable DS. The basic objective? To hit the assigned buttons in time when the notes hit the red line. Kinda DDR Universe also, actually
AmplituDSMobile Gaming, NDSVersion: 3 source codes Upload date: 22 Feb 12 Tags: Entertainment
AmplituDS Several months ago, DS homebrew developer Dark Knight released a game titled AmplituDS. The game is a DS adaptation of Harmonix's Amplitude music game for the PS2. The author's just announced that AmplituDS has been updated, and is now bumped up version three
DrumMeMobile Gaming, NDSVersion: 1.0 Upload date: 22 Feb 12 Tags: Entertainment
DrumMe DrumMe. Yup, that's the bold invitation for you coming from NeX's neat homebrew application for the DS. Basically, and as the name suggests, it's a synth and rhythm app that will provide you with your very own drumkit. Or something close to that.
The "drum package" includes two crash cymbals, two snares, and three kick on the touch screen
Here's a homebrew game that's definitely a cut above the rest: homebrew developer DesertDog's Game Melody Oratorio for the Nintendo DS, a game that teaches you how to play game melodies via a virtual piano
PrankDSMobile Gaming, NDSVersion: 1.0 Upload date: 13 Feb 12 Tags: Entertainment
PrankDS If things are getting a wee bit too serious to your taste and you need to diffuse it somehow, you can count on the DS homebrew scene to lighten things up a bit. Homebrew developer GEMISIS managed to come up with PrankDS, an "Application for Laughs" for Nintendo's little handheld that could