TomeRaider - The world's most advanced ebook reader | reference viewer. Only TomeRaider can handle super-large reference works. Now supports Raid Scripts for the free creation of some awesome unique e-books. Fast, powerful, functional and innovative
DailyDilbert Widget fo Nokia 5800- loads and displays the daily Dilbert comic strips from the last seven days using the RSS feed from Essentially it’s a RSS parser with a sugar coating.
* Quickly and easily read the daily Dilbert comics from the last seven days
* It will work as long as the feed at Dilbert
The classic book "An Episode under the Terror" by Honore de Balzac in e-book format
eReaderSymbian OS, Series 60, Series 80, Series 90Version: 4.0.2 updated Upload date: 26 Jul 10 Tags: Reading
eReader is an application used to read eReader eBooks on your Symbian Smartphone.
eReader has also earned Symbian Signed Certification. As a Symbian certified application, eReader has been independently tested to follow industry-agreed quality guidelines. As a customer, you can rest assured that eReader is designed and tested to enhance your eReading experience
Magazine Rack for HanDBaseSymbian OS, Pocket PC, Palm, Series 60, Series 80, Series 90, UIQ, BlackBerry, SmartphoneVersion: 1.0 Upload date: 5 Nov 10 Tags: Reading
Magazine Rack for HanDBase -Database for tracking magazine subscriptions, date ordered, where ordered from (includes major free magazine websites in drop down) and ending date. It also helps to track duplicate subscriptions and when they are consolidated
Your Symbian Smartphone is not just a phone. It can also be a powerful eBook Reader thanks to the Mobipocket eBook Reader
iSilo (S80)Symbian OS, Series 80Version: 6.04 Upload date: 31 Jan 12 Tags: Reading
Shareware 19.99 $
iSilo (S80) - Silo is a highly versatile document reader. You can find thousands of ready-made documents downloadable immediately for reading with iSilo or you can create your own documents from HTML content using iSiloX
Reader for electronic books, which supports a variety of popular text and audio formats, including Aportis DOC, TCR, and MP3
Comic BuddySymbian OS, Series 60, UIQVersion: 1.0 Upload date: 11 Mar 10 Tags: Reading
Professionally designed software that lets you read comic strips on your mobile. With awesome usability features like smooth scrolling, zooming, tilt and fit-to-screen.
Keep worlds famous comic strips in your pocket (be green and paper-free).
Try before you buy
FREE US Presidential Election 2008- describes early life, political career, significant events, legislation, programs, appointments, and personal life of all candidates. The appendix includes US election rules, complete list of US presidents, history of US presidential elections, and events and controversies of presidential election 2008