360 Multi Builder
360 Multi Builder was formerly known as ggBuild.A This Rogero's app for the PC that the creation of a ggBuild based NAND for Xboxes that make use of the Reset Glitch Hack
DashLaunchMobile Gaming, XboxVersion: 2.26 Upload date: 31 Jan 12 Tags: Games
Guess who is back.A It's c0z and he has just released another update bringing his DashLaunch program to v2.26.A DashLauch will work with your homebrew enabled Xbox 360.A If you aren't sure what DashLaunch does it gives you the ability to boot directly to a specific app booting homebrew when you launch a JTAG Xbox
360 Multi Builder Version 0.3
Xbox developer rogero (also know for his Rogero Manager for the PS3) has updated 360 Multi Builder was formerly known as ggBuild to v0.3. This is Rogero's app for the PC that uses the creation of a ggBuild based NAND for Xboxes that make use of the Reset Glitch Hack.
360 Multi Builder v0
iXtreme LT+Mobile Gaming, XboxVersion: 2.0 for Hitachi-LG Drives Upload date: 31 Jan 12 Tags: System Utilities
iXtreme LT+
Lot's of people have been waiting and Xbox dev C4Eva has come through for you.A If you use a Hitachi-LG drive you can now grab C4E's iXtreme LT + v2.0. A You can now use this firmwary for BenQ, Samsung, Phat Liteons and Hitachi-LG GDR-3120L drives and have fully supported XGD3 games
360 Multi Builder
Once again PS3 and Xbox 360 dev Rogero is back with another nice update to the 360 Multi Builder tool which brings us up to version 0.7.A A In case you missed it 360 Multi Builder will provide you with an easy GUI for creating your images for the 360.
The changelog for v0
Xbox Backup Creator
Redline99 has made some updates to the Xbox Backup Creator bringin this release to v2.9.0.350.A The updates coincide with the topology data within the firmware.A To set this up follow the steps below so to use the topology data..
"Click on the 'Image Tools' tab and select the 'Inject' radio button
Team Jungle has just released an update to Jungleflasher making this release version 0.191 Beta 300.A Jungleflasher is a PC App that is useful for anything that is releated to the DVD drive on your Xbox.
This version prepares your iXtreme LT+ 3.0 FW for Phat Liteon's or BenQJ drives if you have that loaded as Source
DashlaunchMobile Gaming, XboxVersion: 2.28 Upload date: 31 Jan 12 Tags: Games
Just in time to close out 2011 Xbox 360 homebrew guru coz has dropped an updated version of Dash for your Xbox 360. With Dashlaunch you are able to boot from an app xeX when you start up or exit a game