Team Jungle has updated their PC app Jungleflasher to v0.1.90.A Now that the iXtreme FW for Hitachi 79 drives is out thatnks to c4eva you can use the updated Jungleflasher to support the new firmware for your Phat Xbox that has the Hitachi v79 drive.A The latest Jungleflasher supports LT Plus 2.0b and Hitachi 79
xeBuild GUI
Xbox 360 dev Swizzy has updated xeBuild GUI to version 1.1.A Basically xeBuild is a mix of ffBuild and ggBuild which makes for a much more streamlined process for JTAG and Glitch ops.
xeBuild GUI gives you a nice interface so you don't need to use the command prompt
iXtreme LT+
Xbox Developer c4eva has released an update forA iXtreme LT+ v3.0 for Phat Xbox drives.A This is for the Phat Liteon and BenQ drives.A There are some nice upgrades in this version which nowA supports the reading of topology data.
Check out a full quote from c4eva at the source link
The guys over at Team Jungle have release an update version of the JungleFlasher utility. This release includes the tools for DVDKEY32, MTK, FirmTools and more. JungleFlasher 0.1.91(300) has support for LT+v3.00, Phat LiteOn 02510C and Benq 04421C
ABGX360 version 1.0.6 was released a few days ago.A This allows you to check the validity of the Xbox 360 ISOs and this update included Topology Data Support. So if you don't want to use Xbox Backup Creator to patch ISOs then here you go.
Also included is support for XGD3 image and AP25 Topology Data from c4eva with iXtreme LT+v3
The super talented developers Rgloader have release the beta version of Rgbuild.A If you aren't sure what this app does is makes an XDK (Xbox Development Kit) out of your resest glitch hacked console.A This is a beta version so be aware that there may be bugs
Team Jungle has released another new updated version of their JungleFlasher utility. This is version 0.1.92 Beta and includes DVDKEY32, MTK, FirmTools and more.
For a full list of updates and features check the source link