PSP Homebrew: FontConfirmation
If you want to choose the perfect font for your PSP, this tiny app is here to help you!
While FontConfirmation may be new to the community, that doesn't make it any less important
DS Homebrew Ands PDF v. 1.4 ist ein DS Programm mit dem sich PDF Dateien lesen lassen können. Die Kompatibilität der Homebrew ist noch ausbaufähig. Größere PDF Dateien und PDF Dateien mit Bildern können unter umständen zu abstürzen des Programms führen. Es wird aber an einer verbesserten Darstellung aller PDFs gearbeitet
FJM Offline Launcher
Fouadtjuhmaster has released a nifty HTML app that has the ability to view many types of files.A You will find this helpful due to the XMB not being able to load all browser files.A This is compatible with the PSP and also Android internet browsers and you don't need Wi-Fi.A You can load the following file types: .JPG - .PNG - .BMP -
Pot stands for potentiometer, which is an apparatus that measures the potential (or voltage) which has a user-adjustable resistance. Usually, this is a three-terminal resistor with a sliding contact in the center. Basically, it tells the laser how bright to shine to resolve issues of the drive not reading media
Wii Homebrew from Muzer:
txt-read is a simple text reader app for the Wii. It can read any file stored in plain text format. It uses the Wii's console, and has all the features you would expect from an app nowadays (Wiimote, Front SD, and Homebrew Channel support). "Me" in this document refers to Muzer
txt-read is a simple app for viewing text files. There is now a readme, which is printed here.
1.1: Proper main menu, credits, fixed some bugs, added saving of certain settings, libwiiupdate, USB Keyboard Support, Wii Disc Slot Lighting, and many more
DSOrganize NeoFlash Edition DragonMinded has released a new edition of his DSOrganize program for the NeoFlash Spring Coding Competition 2006. There were no listed changes from the previous version/beta
DSOrganize DragonMinded has updated his organization program for the NDS. This program servers as a calendar, appointement book, day planner and now a picture viewer! This program is the complete package for any PDA-hungry users
DSOrganize DragonMinded has updated DSOrganize to v1.80 Beta which includes several new features for this PDA-like organization application: * Reorganized calculator, added more commands, colored buttons. * Fixed bug with creating vCard files when no files are present. * Added a simple todo list app. * Added scribble pad with saving to bmp or png
DSOrganize Download contains all the necessary files to run on the NDS (any flashcart). This MUST be installed in the root of your memory stick/flashcart for it to properly work.DragonMinded has released a new version of DSOrganize fixing many bugs from the previous v1.80