gPlot for PSP
Here's something for the math lovers out there who also happen to have a PSP.A French PSP developer GeeckoDev has released a cool app called gPlot++ for your PSP.A It's a funtion plotter that can display multiple funtions and gives you the ability to move them using zoom and pan
Nintendo DS dev edicpop has released a handy homebrew called edicpopDS and this is version 0.3.01. This is a nice utility that is for your Nintendo DS and includes an e-book reader, a Thai-English translator as well as a web browser
PSP Kanji Learner Set 10, with Kana Learner
Subscribers to billylee8's PSP Kanji Learner (previous update here) can finally get the final batch of the Jouyou, or the daily use kanji, in Set 10 of the PSP Kanji Learner. The latest kanji flash card video contains the last 189 additional daily use kanji, among other things
PSP Kanji Learner Set 9
For those of you who're learning Kanji via billylee8's PSP Kanji Learner, you'll be glad to know that Set 9 has just been released. PSP Kanji Learner Set 9 contains 250 daily use kanji (Jouyou) characters and the additional kanji lists
PSP Kanji Learner - Set 8
If you have been faithfully following homebrew developer billylee8's PSP Kanji Learner, then you should have covered Set 7 already. Today, billylee8 has released Set 8 featuring an additional 250 daily use kanji characters.
For the uninitiated, kanjis are Chinese characters used by the Japanese language
PSP Kanji Learner - Set 7
Subscribers to billylee8's useful PSP Kanji Learner should update their portable kanji learning aid. Set 7 of the PSP Kanji Learner application is finally out, with lots of additions. However, if this is your first time to come across this learning aid, you'd best start at the first set to play catch up
PSP Kanji Learner: Set 6
Those of you who have been learning Kanji with developer billylee8's comprehensive PSP Kanji Learner, here's an update. The dev has just released the sixth set of the lot and it contains 181 Grade 6 kanji
LittleBigPlanet Manual (PDF)
Well, this is going to be a pretty interesting announcement for those of you who've been enamored by Sony's lovable sackboys. We came across the PDF manual for Sony Computer Entertainment's LittleBigPlanet, and we've downloaded it so we can share it with you.
The PDF file is 1
Yellow Light of Death Repair Tutorial
If the Xbox 360 has its notorious RROD, the PS3 has its own YLOD, or the Yellow Light of Death. But unlike the Xbox 360's hardware issue, the YLOD affects only a very small percentage of PS3 units. Still, that must suck for those included in that "very small percentage"