OPL ManagerMobile Gaming, PS3Version: 12: More Languages, New CFG Editor Upload date: 27 Sep 14 Tags: Games
OPL Manager - danielb has released a new version of OPL Manager for all PS2 hackers to try. Click here for more info!
danielb has been developing OPL Manager for quite some time now, and today he has a brand new version to share. This one adds support for the Spanish and Portuguese languages
NibblerPSP, Mobile GamingVersion: 1.1: A Classic Snake-Like Portable Homebrew Upload date: 23 Sep 14 Tags: Games
Nibbler - Nibbler returns with this awesome remake for PSP and Vita. Get all the gameplay details here!
The folks over at insoft have created a new portable and iOS homebrew called Nibbler. If you've played Snake before, the basic premise of the game is going to sound familiar
Brunolee's Custom Gameboot Tool: Make Your Own PS3 Gameboots
Want to make your own gameboot for most versions of PS3 custom firmware? This tool can help you do it in a snap!
For those that don't know, a gameboot is a little logo that shows every time your PS3 launches a new game
Retro XMB CreatorMobile Gaming, PS3Version: 1.6.5: Includes ROM Art Repo Upload date: 23 Sep 14 Tags: Games
Retro XMB Creator - Aldo Vargas has updated his Retro XMB Creator application. Now it has hooks to Rdemp's ROM art repo!
Are you trying to make your RetroArch ROM shortcuts look nice? Be sure to try out this latest build of Retro XMB Creator by Aldo Vargas. As usual, this GUI helps to create shortcuts for your favorite emulated ROMs so that they launch from the XMB
Xump: The Final Run - A New PSP Homebrew - Need a new PSP homebrew to play? Check out RetroGuru's Pac-Man inspired Xump!
Xump is a multiplatform indie game that involves players solving puzzles to make it to the end of each level. Every board has a small collection of squares that players must travel across to complete the challenge
Flappy Bird PSPPSP, Mobile GamingVersion: 2.1: New Birds, Score Keeping And More Upload date: 20 Jun 14 Tags: Games
Flappy Bird PSP - Sandroron returns with another update to his wildly popular PSP Flappy Bird clone. This version includes new birds!
Sandroron brilliantly capitalizes on the success of the Flappy Bird mobile game in this excellent PSP clone. After adding multiplayer and map customization in version 2.0, the developer is back to improve his code even more
Psykosis JB to ISO Mass Conversion - Klahjn of PSX-Scene has returned to update his mildly popular ISO conversion tool. If you have Cobra custom firmware, check this out!
This tiny download is used to convert JB-format PS3 backups into ISOs that are bootable on Cobra custom firmware. Changes were somewhat sparse in this particular build, but still worth reporting
OPL ManagerMobile Gaming, PS3Version: 9: MD5 Check And Bug Fixes Upload date: 20 Jun 14 Tags: Games
OPL Manager - danielb has made a few quick fixes to his OPL Manager. PS2 hackers gather here!
OPL Manager has been under constant but quiet development by danielb. With this piece of Windows software, you can boot, organize, and provide art for PS2 backups that boot with OPL
OPL ManagerMobile Gaming, PS3Version: 11: Disable Auto Update, User Data Collection Upload date: 20 Jun 14 Tags: Games
OPL Manager - daneilb made a couple small updates to OPL Manager recently. Check out the changes here!
Are you looking to amass a solid library of PS2 backups? danielb's OPL Manager might be all you need to get the job done. Once you have your ISOs in place, this app will name them correctly, organize them, download art, and make sure they boot on your modded console
SimpleSplitPS3Mobile Gaming, PS3Version: 1.1: Multi-Language, GUI-Cleanup Upload date: 20 Jun 14 Tags: Games
SimpleSplitPS3 - Need to split, join or rename backups for PS3 custom firmware? Check out this awesome multi-platform tool by Dermy!
There are lots of file joining and splitting apps in the PS3 scene, but Dermy's SimpleSplitPS3 remains one of the most universally accessible options