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LameCraft (signed)

LameCraft (signed)
Version: 1.0

Platforms: PSP, Mobile Gaming

Categories: Games

Upload date: 22 Aug 11


License: Freeware

Downloads: 66

File Size: 5921 Kb
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Rating: 2.5/5 (Total votes: 4)

  LameCraft (signed)

Minecraft addicts can now do a bit of mining and crafting on their PlayStation Portables thanks to LameCraft.

"This is first public version so there are probably some errors," explains the dev. "Before deadline I'm planning to make a lot of improvements - sounds, more blocks, day/night system, crafting.... etc. All my tests were made on PSP Slim/Phat with custom firmware."


  • Analog stick - walking
  • Cross,Square,Circle,Triangle - rotating
  • Select - jump
  • Left,right - switching blocks
  • Right trigger - place block
  • Left trigger - remove block
  • Start - menu



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