XBMC Translator
Xbox Media Center finally came up with a translator through Bobbin007. XBMC V0.1 aims to simplify the whole process of updating a language file. Bobbin007, a loyal exponent of the german laguage file, shares, "After a lot of pondering and hacking, I proudly present the first version of my XBMC translator
Download the latest version of PSPDictionary [Click Here]PSPDictionary: what is it?--------------------------------------PSPDictionary is a multilanguage dictionary for PSP, with on-line functionalities
v2.0.0 -> v2.1.0:
- Improved the online translations. Now, to translate (online) a word you must first indicate the fists language and then the language of the translation
PSPDictionary is getting quite a sizeable upgrade. The latest version now has support for Yahoo! Babelfish, and if you guys are familiar with how it works online, then that means you can actually translate full phrases now - not just words.
PSPDictionary v2.2.0
* Now the servers supported are two: langtolang.com and babelfish.yahoo.com
from Gefa:
Hi all: I released PSPDictionary v2.4.0
In this new release, I improved the offline mode, adding the support for the translations freely distributed by Wiktionary. Now there are about 6000 translations for each language
Besides, always for the offline mode, I added a new language: the latin
From Gefa:
Hello to all.
Today the new version release of PSPDictionary, which leads to the 2.4.1
In this new release, I simply added the slapsh the screen NeoFlash Compo 2009, and fixed a bug in the translations langtolang.com
Indeed, were previously shown only 7 translations
Developer's note:
PSPDictionary is a multi-language translator for PSP (PlayStation Portable) written in Python, distribuited under the GNU General Public license.
PSPDictionary allows you to translate a word or a phrase from six language: English, Italiano, French, Deutsce, Spanish and Latin.
It's possible to translate remaining offline