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Lamecraft op-10

Lamecraft op-10
Version: 1.0

Platforms: PSP, Mobile Gaming

Categories: Games

Upload date: 22 Aug 11


License: Freeware

Downloads: 91

File Size: 1220 Kb
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Rating: 4.5/5 (Total votes: 2)

  Lamecraft op-10

Homebrew developer Drakon continues to improve his Minecraft clone for the PSP with the release of Lamecraft op-10 (aka open source rev. 10).

Developer's note:

I have added small fake shadows to the corners in the Lamecraft.

I have changed numeration - since it's now open-source and on googlecode i put numeration from there. So this is op-10(open source rv. 10 ;) )

This version is mainly to show fake shadows, i was not fixing existing bugs yet. For next version i will be mainly fixing bugs that users have send me :)

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